Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I am a new person.

I've seen this person developing over the past six months and I like who she is. She's secure. She knows who she is. She doesn't waver.

Along with this new person comes a new blog look. It's time, I think, to set the record straight.

I am the same woman who was burned deep within and fell into flaming disarray. But from the ashes of my brokenness, knowing now that I put my faith in the wrong things, I find myself arising purer, stronger, more malleable than ever. Malleable only to the One who knows me, the One who's purified me ever more, placing me lovingly in the fire so that my impurities are burned away.

In Taming of the Shrew, when Lucentio sees Bianca for the first time, he cries out, "I burn, I pine, I perish!" So strong is his immediate love for her. And now I call out the same.

I burn.
I pine.
I perish.

But the more I perish for love of my Savior, the more I live.