Monday, July 30, 2007


You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Intertwining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring you
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other

I've been thinking about women and poetry and romance. Some women just exude poetry. You see them and things start to rhyme.

How do you become one of those women? No one will ever think of me as poetry; no one will ever write a song about me.

I am not that gorgeous, I don't have a graceful or romantic air, and I don't move with the wind, dance with the breeze. I'm not very poetic. I'm not even prose. I'm the blurb on the back of a novel. I'm a movie summary. I'm the brown paper around a Starbucks cup.

Why can't I be graceful, smooth, beautiful, mysterious, and demure?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Anecdote from Mom

Thomas Edison held a demonstration early in his work with electricity. As yet, it had not become obvious in which way it would be beneficial. An elderly lady came up to him afterwards and asked, "that was nice, but what is it good for?" Edison replied: "Ma'am, do you ask the mother of an infant about its purpose?"

Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Missions is what you do when everyone hates you" and other lies from the pit of hell.

Satan has been whispering in my ear again. This is the real reason you're leaving. No one likes you. The few who pretend to are just nice people having pity on you. Get out of here before you screw up their perfect lives. And say that you're doing it for God. That'll show 'em.

The horror that grips my soul at this thought brings tears to my eyes even now as I consider it. Why do I even consider it? Why does it stick so much?


"You're beautiful," he said to me tonight on an uncomfortable bench in the evening heat.

Why can't I buy it? It's so simple. Why do I have to make it complex?

A good friend called me recently to thank me for some help and to say, "You are beautiful. And don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." Yeah, sure. These cynical thoughts come naturally to me.

What's funny is that I can't even convince myself that those statements are remotely true. Some women would think, Ah, he's just saying that so he can get in my pants. But I can't even allow that, because I can't perceive why anyone would want to. Get in my pants, that is.

Awkward analogies aside, here's another lie that crept up on me. It bears explaining.

You can't look sexy drinking out of a styrofoam cup.

It came to me when we were at the Marriott the other night. Deanne was dancing with "the heaven guy," as we dubbed him, and I was sitting at the deserted bar, thinking about how pathetic I was. My cup of water was sitting in front of me and as I lifted it to my lips, that thought sprung alive. I glared at the lipstick which had adhered itself to the polystyrene, only to realize that it was entirely true. There is no way to look sexy while drinking from styrofoam.

But why was I trying to look sexy? Why would I want to elicit carnal impulses from ungodly men? Just so that they'll ask me to dance, lead me out on the broken floor, try a few spins and realize that I'm not that great after all, shake my hand, and let me putter back to my lonely spot in the corner, waiting for the next candidate?

I could think that people just want to manipulate me, but I can't see myself as being worth manipulating.

I could think that people just want to use me, but I can't see myself as being worth using.

And if piddly little people won't use me to achieve their pathetic ends, why on earth would the God of the universe want to use me to achieve His? He doesn't need or want me.

I can reason my way out of any of these, but it doesn't help. The lie is still there.

How can I understand that God accepts me for who I am if I can't accept me?


Whatever he said to her, she felt herself buying into it. His words were honey, and her stomach was starving for their smooth sweetness. But when he told her what he thought of her, she shut down. She couldn't hear it. It was as if the words did not compute in her mind.

She mumbled her thank yous, but even as the tones escaped her lips, her mind negated what she had just heard.

She said kind things to him, and she meant it. But when he took it and accepted it for just how she meant it, she was embarrassed. No, you're not supposed to believe me. You're supposed to brush it off like the nothing that I am.

But when she crawled into her bed at night, she dwelt on it. It echoed in her head. Could he really mean it? Every bone in her body, every fiber of her being told her that it couldn't possibly be true.

Somewhere deep inside her soul, though, a tiny candle flickered. hope. Despite the winds of dismissal and the rains of doubt, the candle burned fearlessly.

It would, undoubtedly, be her undoing.

I am having a spiritual crisis of sorts. Several, in fact.

I will agree with you that people are evil. People are stupid. People are panicky. People are animals.

But, a person?

For the life of me I can't think of a person as being evil. My automatic assumption is that they have the best for others in mind and have no regard for their own benefit or well-being. I can say it nicely: I assume the best of people. While all those around me live suspicious, tortured lives, I am blissfully unaware of the ulterior motives and blatant disregard for life.

Jesus did not call us to be naive. Or did He? "Innocent as"... a dove, a lamb, a child.

A child.

Children have to be taught not to trust. They, like me, assume that everyone has their best interest at heart.

"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."

What does it mean, Daddy?

Monday, July 16, 2007

A novel idea.

What everyone wants, but no one will really admit, is to be accepted. Nonjudgmentally, unequivocally, unconditionally accepted.

"Hello, world. This is me. Me is a fluid concept. It can (and will) change. It is a combination of inborn personality, uncontrollable circumstance, and relational influence. Please don't criticize me for being who I am."

What if we could just accept each other. What if each of us could get over ourselves and just be open and loving to everyone? What if when Jesus said, "Love your neighbor" and "Love your enemy", HE ACTUALLY MEANT IT?!

Sorry: I'll stop yelling.

Derek Webb lyrics again.

They'll know us by the t-shirts that we wear
They'll know us by the way we point and stare
At anyone whose sin looks worse than ours
Who cannot hide the scars of this curse that we all bear

They'll know us by our picket lines and signs
They'll know us by the pride we hide behind
Like anyone on earth is living right
And isn't that why Jesus died
Not to make us think we're right

When love, love, love is what we should be known for
Love, love, love: it's the how and it's the why
We live and breathe and we die

They'll know us by reasons we divide
And how we can't seem to unify
Because we've gotta sing songs a certain style
Or we'll walk right down that aisle
And just leave them all behind

Theytll know us by the billboards that we make
Just turning God's words to cheap clichés
It says "What part of murder don't you understand?"
But we hate our fellow man
And point a finger at his grave

When love, love, love is what we should be known for
Love, love, love: it's the how and it's the why
We live and breathe and we die

They'll know us by the t-shirts that we wear
They'll know us by the way we point and stare
Telling them their sins are worse than ours
Thinking we can hide our scars
Beneath these t-shirts that we wear

Sunday, July 01, 2007

First for everything.

My first love was Ben.

He was beautiful. His eyes and his smile knocked me over every time I saw him. Those brown eyes were just too much for me to resist.

He was on the shorter side, with black hair, speckled here and there with tan and white spots. He had floppy ears that perked up when you called his name.

And he had a limp.

We don't really know why Ben limped, but considering he strolled in from the street, we can guess pretty accurately. He was just plain lucky.

I loved Ben more than anything. He was someone I could take care of; someone that needed and thrived on my love.

But just a few short months later, after I had enough time to grow attached, Ben threw himself in front of a car.

But I loved Ben.