Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Single Dads and why they rock.

For a long time, I’ve thought I would end up with a single dad. There are several reasons for this; I will enumerate a few.

1. I don’t want to have my own kids. For as long as I can remember, the thought of bearing children makes me cringe. And I only see more and more homeless children out there that need a loving home- why be selfish and want something of your own flesh when a chosen child will appreciate so much more your sacrifice?

2. I don’t need much attention. Single dads are wrapped up in their kid(s) and often a wife who is not the child’s mother feels left out. I, on the other hand, see the children as first priority. A single dad who remarries needs to make sure his children are happy through an uncomfortable situation. He has the greatest connection with them and a marriage often comes second. I’m okay with that.

3. Single dads are devoted. You will never see anyone as attached to their children as a man who had to raise them by himself. Especially if they have a daughter, single dads are so love with their kids that it spills over into every area of their life and that relationship becomes crucial to every other relationship that they have.

4. Single dads are mature. This is not true of dads who don’t have full custody. If they just have visitation or partial custody, they often live a wild life when their kids are not around. But dads who have to gauge every decision on how it will affect their family grow up, fast. The well-being of others is always in the forefront of their minds, and so they tend to be more respectful, more kind and considerate, and above all, more loving.

5. Most men DO want their own kids. But, as aforementioned, I don’t. This is the perfect compromise. Single dads already have their ‘flesh of my flesh’ and can often be satisfied with this. Women who feel that their marriage to a single dad is not complete until they have a child together are sadly mistaken. Having your own child is often too great a temptation for you to play favorites. Besides, if he sees you loving his children as your own, won’t he love and respect you even more?

Finally, single dads usually already know how the marriage thing works and it’s that much less stressful for everyone when they do remarry. They’re lower maintenance than your average newlywed, and since they’ve been forced to care for themselves and their children, they are usually more responsible with their resources. They also know the value of quality time.

So whether or not I end up with a single dad, those of you who have been wondering what my deal is with them now know. Christian single dads are God’s gift to independent women who still want to have a family.

1 comment:

Jordan Quinley said...

Congratulations! You're the first to acknowledge you recognized my allusion, which probably means you were the first to recognize it.