Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes, I've opened my blog again.

Why, you ask?

Because transparency is one of those things you can't hide.

In other news, I'd like to come up with a more permanent name for this blog, since all my f(r)iends have really cool ones like
Eclectic Waters
Allusions of Grandeur
Grokking Gordon

So I have here a few suggestions that I really like. Tell me what you think, or make suggestions of your own.
Freak of Nurture
Wages of Sincerity
Apples vs Oranges: A Comparative Analysis
Paradigm A Dozen
Perfectly Normal Beast (Douglas Adams inspired)
Been There, But I Didn’t Do That
Birth of a Notion
Jack of all Tirades

and, as a joke:
Rain Fell Into My Whiskey Glass, Dampening My Spirits.

In all seriousness, though, I'd like something that might be remotely related to my faith, or perhaps just something thoughtful and deep, but at the same time cute and a play on words. So let me know via comment what you think.


A-ron said...

Yay! For what it's worth, I was tiring of having to log in to visit this site.

I remember going through the naming process and, after narrowing it down to around 7 or so from the near 100 ideas that I had, I also asked other people's opinion. I think everyone chose something different as their favorite, so I finally just went with what seemed most unique while maintaining some depth. I tell ya, it's stinkin hard to come up with a good name, especially something other people haven't already taken. In fact, I think someone even took Allusions of Grandeur, but that was after I started mine so I'm calling everything else a cheap imitation.

Anyhow, I like Paradigm a Dozen and Birth of a Notion. I find the second to be a little more catchy, but it also sounds like a blog that might focus on politics or history.

Anonymous said...

hey hey :)
i love you Kathy!!!
had a birthday celebration tonight and missed you!!!

"birth of a notion" stood out to me - but i agree with A-ron about the politics thing...

just don't do freak of nature - its not true :)

big hug!!!

Kate M. said...

Not Freak of Nature... Freak of Nurture