Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Kierkegaard's Duck Story

One Sunday morning in Duckland all the ducks dutifully came to church, waddling through the doors and down the aisles to their pews where they comfortably squatted.

When all were situated and the hymns were sung, the duck minister waddled to his pulpit, opened the Duck Bible and read: "Ducks! Ye have wings, and with wings ye can fly like eagles. Ye canst soar into the sky! Use thy wings!"

It was a marvelous, elevating duck scripture, and thus all the ducks quacked their approval with a hearty A-MEN!

And then they plopped down from their pews and waddled home.

(adapted from Hughes, James: Faith That Works, p 117)


A-ron said...

That story is sadly familiar; I know I've seen and experienced it myself far too often.

August said...

This story everyone should read. Thank you for posting!
