Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pick a Sin: My New Position on Illegal Immigration

I try not to get too political- in my opinion spiritual matters are vastly more important. Every once in a while, though, an issue gets to me so much that I have to address it or my head will explode and my roommate will be left with the unpleasant job of cleaning my gray matter off the walls.

In recent weeks, I've been receiving a series of email forwards that are either anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, anti-Immigration, sometimes anti-American and most certainly anti-Christian. My favorite was a forward from a member of my home church that said (The emphasis is not mine),
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders who are called "illegals", and then they vote.....we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

Wow. I won't begin to delve into the spiritual implications of that statement. But I do want to address the illegal immigration from a economic/political perspective. I'll address some of the anti-Immigrant sentiments and see what they really imply.

1. They are breaking the law by being here.
-Who deserves to be here? Everyone who is in the US is an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants, legal or not. My mom immigrated from Germany when I was three. I'm a first-generation legal immigrant. We jumped through all the hoops and showed up at the Immigration and Naturalization Service office at four in the morning to stand in line for five hours and got our visas renewed and paid all the fees and took the Oath. We're now US citizens.
But a lot of people can't afford to do that and so they depend on lottery programs or scholarships. Or they result to coming into the US illegally. Because they can have a better life and support their families if they work in the US. And since when has Liberty (The New Colossus of Emma Lazarus) offered her embrace only to those that can afford it? Last I checked, she said,
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

-Maybe it's a stupid law that prevents hard-working immigrants from coming to America in a legal fashion. Maybe we should change the law so that they're not coming in illegally. Right now, US Immigration policy allows workers to come in to the US when there is a shortage in a certain type of work. Let's say we kicked out all the illegal migrant workers. There would be a shortage in hard agriculture-based labor. And we'd bring them right back in based on the policy. And that would cost a lot of money. Why not just change the law to allow those already in the country to stay?

- Isn't that rewarding their bad behavior?
-Their behavior is, actually more American than those touting anti-immigration or closed-border sentiments. They want a better life in the Land of the Free. Since when is that bad?

2. But They live in ghettos and refuse to learn English!
-Well, since our law forces them into hiding, they really have little contact with native English-speakers and therefore little opportunity to learn English properly.

-Also, remember that first-generation immigrants rarely learn English properly. The second generation of these immigrants, however, is realizing the value of learning English, and without an accent. They're following the natural trend of immigrant populations.

3. But They don't pay taxes!
-Actually they do. They pay sales tax like everyone else. And since most of them rent, the landlords pay property taxes too. The only tax they don't pay is income tax, and most illegal immigrants get paid so little that if they were citizens, they'd be so far below the poverty line that they wouldn't pay income taxes anyway.

4. But They are criminals! Look at the neighborhoods where they live!
-No. Most illegal immigrants are law-abiding citizens aside from the fact that they a stupid law prevents them from legally being here. However, since any contact with law enforcement threatens deportation, they are not able to assist the local police in rooting out the REAL criminals. Give these people legal status and I bet you'll see a sharp crime drop in their neighborhoods.

5. But They hate America! Look at Them flying the Mexican flag!
-Well, honestly, America has given them no reason to love it. America has told them that they don't deserve to be here and they aren't welcome. If we would really "lift our lamp beside the golden door" then maybe they'd like us.

Finally, I have to remind you that "illegal immigrant" workers keep prices low by receiving subminimum wages. Kick them out and you'll have to hire workers under Minimum Wage laws, making prices skyrocket. No matter how we deal with this illegal immigration problem, it'll impact the economy and prices will rise. But would you rather it be because we forced millions of people into refugee camps across the border and we are watching them slowly starve to death? Or because we're finally treating them like humans instead of pack animals?

Really, immigration reform forces us to choose one "sin" over another. Which will you choose?
1. The sin of granting illegal immigrants legal residency and thereby improving the livelihood of millions?
2. The sin of telling millions that the Statue of Liberty was never meant for them, of forcing them back to Mexico where there are no jobs and into refugee camps where they slowly die a stone's throw from freedom?

What would Jesus do?

P.S. If you'd like to take a realistic look at what would happen if we sent all the illegal migrant workers back to Mexico, read This Article.


Phil said...

There are about 6.5 billion people in the
About 2 billion live on 2 dollars a day.
About 2 billion more live on a dollar a day.
About 800 million are hungry and malnourished.
About 10 million die of starvation
every year.
Poor countries add 86 million more
poor people to the planet every year.
If God knows everthing and has unlimited
power, loves everbody, has a plan for their life why did he create so much poverty.

Kate M. said...

The "Problem of Pain" has always been a great one. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I will address this issue in a future post.

Unknown said...

Stupid law according to you maybe most do not think that way. I have my own ideas of stupid laws and so do all of us. Usually it is based on ones philosophy, life expreincies, and education.

My pet peeve are the tax free status of religious organizations. What happened to separation of church and state.

No matter what laws we do not like they exist and they must be ob eyed or we will all suffer anarchy.
If someone breaks in my home I'm going to do whatever possible to make him leave or be carried out! I feel the same way about my country and any problem that arises will have to solved but the arguments that we are going to suffer severe economic and social are just empty reasons to ignore the influx of all illegal alien invaders.

DinTN said...

Why are you mixing the issue of "immigrants" and "illegal invaders"?
Not many have stated opposition to legal law abiding immmigrants coming to the country and contributing to society. Your article clearly is confusing the difference.

1. There is no concrete evidence that there would be shortages of workers or "produce rotting in the fields". Look it up...only pro-illegal supporters are using the fear of rotting fields to allow millions more to enter the U.S.
Stupid law, you say? There's alot of laws I consider stupid, but if I break them I am punished. I can't run to another country to avoid prosecution, only to return in another fake name.

2. If "they" were rerally learning English, would you hear so many complaints about not assimilatiing and refusing to learn our language? Come on, really! This issue would be non-exhistant if it were not a REAL problem all across this country. I've worked with this problem, have you?

3. No. three is so rediculiou! Of course there is no way for anyone to avoid paying sales taxes, legal or illegal!
Here again you are mixing legal with illegal. Legal immigrants pay income taxes just like the rest of us, the majority of illegal immigrants are using fake or stolen Social Security numbers, destroying the credit of thousands of Americans. If you have no problem with this you are condoning identity theft!

"And since most of them rent, the landlords pay property taxes too." Not when you see three and four families under one roof they don't, and I see it all the time.

"and most illegal immigrants get paid so little that if they were citizens, they'd be so far below the poverty line that they wouldn't pay income taxes anyway."
The most absolutely absurd statement yet!
If they were CITIZENS they would NOT BE ILLEGAL! They would have the right to fair wages as citizens!

4. Look up the U Visa law. This is an another completely false statement.

5. "Well, honestly, America has given them no reason to love it."
If they did not love it here why do millions come here every year? The truth is they love it here, but insist on turning our country into the exact same country they left! They love being here, but HATE our laws! There is no proof anyone is "starving to death" across the border!
You would do better to spend your time promoting the improvement of living and working conditions in Mexico than encouraging illegals to break our laws!

"Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber." (John 10:1)

A-ron said...

@ robert:

Tax free status is available to all non-profit organizations, religious or not. And please don't make the mistake that I hear so many other's make of incorrectly using the term "separation of church and state." Basically it means that the church cannot also be the government and that the government cannot take control of the church, in other words secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise. It's not in the Constitution and the only thing even close to it is the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religion and freedom of speech. It has little if anything at all to do with who can and can't be taxed. If anything, I'd say the government is imposing itself more and more upon the church's affairs these days rather than the other way around.

Kate M. said...

The following is a response to dintn's comment. I don't wish to get into an argument. However, maybe I should clarify my statements since they were obviously misunderstood. But please remember that I'm expressing my opinion and not trying to convince anyone. Just my ideas. That's why the post is titled "MY New Position on Illegal Immigration.

Why are you mixing the issue of "immigrants" and "illegal invaders"?
You're right. I did make a few vague statements. Let's assume we all know that unless I mention "legal immigrants" I am talking about illegals.

1. I'm not being sarcastic- I am honestly asking this question: What is a way that we could assemble concrete evidence of worker shortages? Seems to me that losing 20 million workers in any field would create a pretty big dent.
US unemployment is currently at 5.5%. The most accurate of illegal immigrant statistics puts them at about 20 million. So let's say we throw out all the illegals. And let's say that every single unemployed person in the US goes to work one of their jobs, mostly agricultural labor or housekeeping. In a population of just over 300 million, we still have almost 4 million unfilled jobs. Regardless of the concrete evidence we have, that's a big number.

Stupid law- We happen to live in a democracy, which means that if enough people think a law is stupid, they can say so and the law can be changed. So let's say there's a law that says you may not turn right on a red light. Enough drivers say, "Hey, that's stupid. We're not crossing traffic and we can see just fine to the left if anyone is coming. Let's change that law."
The creators of the Constitution left the possibility that even that document- the foundation for our federal system- can be changed by amendment if necessary.

2. The English Issue- You have to remember that we're still experiencing a lot of first-generation immigrants which, as statistics show, usually don't learn that second language fluently.
I'm from San Diego, a border town with one of the biggest illegal immigration problems in the country. However, I rarely come across people in businesses (retail or otherwise) who don't speak English. If I ever have a problem understanding someone on the phone, 99% of the time it's because I called customer service, which has been outsourced to India. A completely different issue.

3. If the "Majority" of illegal immigrants are using fake/stolen Social Security cards, that would destroy the credit of millions of Americans, not thousands. Last year's estimate of identity theft shows that about 250,000 Americans experienced some sort of stolen identity. However, most of the time multiple illegal aliens are using the same social security card (in one case, the name number was used by 218 different people!)
In addition, most illegal aliens don't seek to destroy your credit. The need a Social Security number to get a job, a car, an apartment, etc. In fact, most of the time they are told that the person whose identity they're using is dead.
Also, they're not the ones stealing the identities. The people who are profiting off the naivety of illegal immigrants are.

-The property taxes issue-
The landlords pay property tax based on how much land they own, not how many people live on it. Do most illegals want to lived in cramped homes with 3 other families? Probably not. If they could afford it, I'm sure they would live in a nicer place. The real criminals in this case are the landowners who are profiting off this injustice.
(PS, I don't know you so I'm honestly curious what kind of job you have that you see illegal immigrants living in these conditions "all the time")

-The wages issue-
Okay, let's say we make them legal immigrants. Not even citizens. They're here on a work visa. In our hypothetical world, how much do they get paid? For the sake of argument, let's say we bump them up to minimum wage. In California, that ends up being about $17,000 a year, assuming they work 52 weeks a year, 40 hours a week. We all know they work more than that, but let's say there are restrictions because of their now-legal status. That is well below the poverty line- making them exempt from income taxes.

4. U Visa law allows aliens who show evidence of "substantial suffering" as the victims of special crimes to obtain a temporary visa under the assumption that they will be useful in a criminal investigation. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about just being able to help out the police when they see something happen in their neighborhood.

5. "The truth is they love it here, but insist on turning our country into the exact same country they left!"
-I really have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
"There is no proof anyone is "starving to death" across the border!"
-While approximately half of the illegals in the US are from Mexico, most of the rest are from Latin America, where 16% of children suffer chronic malnutrition, according to the World Food Program. That's just children.

"You would do better to spend your time promoting the improvement of living and working conditions in Mexico than encouraging illegals to break our laws!"
-I'm not encouraging them to break the laws. I'm saying we should change the law to be more immigrant-friendly so that they can come across legally. I have no power to change anything in Mexico. But I AM a US citizen and I CAN change things in the US. Yes, there is injustice in Mexico (and, indeed, in most of the world). We can shout all we want about how that needs to change. But one thing we CAN actively do is offer assistance in the richest country in the world for those wanting a better life. And help them do it legally.

"Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber." (John 10:1)"

No to say too much, but the "sheepfold" here is Heaven, or the Kingdom of God, not the United States of America. P.S. There are plenty of "thieves and robbers" that do enter "through the door".

Thanks for your time. I hope I've clarified any of the points that may have caused confusion.

Anonymous said...

The Statue of Liberty isn't for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Do you really like the poem on her base? Do you think it is very American? And your point number 5 doesn't make much sense to me. On the one hand, you say they flock here because they can have such a better life. On the other hand, you say that, with the way we've been acting, they really have no good reason to like us. Which one is it? The way we've been acting lately, they are more likely to feel invited than ostracized.