Saturday, January 17, 2009

Burnt Toast and Yesterday's Coffee

Sometimes the best things about life are the small ones.

I was waiting to post this month, waiting for something really amazingly good. Instead, though, I've decided to post 25 random things about myself and where I am right now in life. It's an idea I got from Facebook.

25 random things:

1. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is actually a pretty good movie.

2. I like it when I have good ideas. It makes me feel important.

3. I deeply respect all the guys I've met that are missionaries in Sudan.

4. The Office is funny, but kind of annoying.

5. 1 Peter 2: 16-17 is my theme verse for this year.

6. I want to go back to school.

7. About every nine months, I get severely depressed and I have to change whatever it is I'm doing so that I regain my sanity.

8. I'm lonely.

9. God is doing amazing things in my life, but sometimes I wish I had a roadmap.

10. I'm tired about 95% of the time.

11. I'm considering getting an Ad car when I go home so I don't have to pay for one.

12. I like leading, but I have being in charge. What's up with that?

13. I wear pink now.

14. Sometimes I think my boss hates me. Then again, sometimes I think she hates everyone.

15. I don't like it when my guy friends start dating. It makes me feel like I'm in a long narrow room where the walls are slowly closing in on me.

16. I actually am not terribly opposed to being single for the rest of my life. I'm just opposed to the way I know I'll get treated if I do.

17. The fact that most of these random thoughts start with "I" doesn't make me self-centered. Just introspective.

18. Yesterday, I contemplated the phrase "Bored to Death" with an intensity that scared me.

19. Since coming to Kenya, my favorite thing is an apple. No, really.

20. Generally, I think no guy would ever go for me. Is that bad? The thing is, most guys I would go for really wouldn't go for me. So it's the truth, mostly.

21. Listening to my roommate complain about stuff all the time but never do anything about it had given me a stress ulcer which I am now forced to take pills to subdue.

22. I quit caffeine. A week later, a package arrived for me with Starbucks coffee inside.

23. I can't eat tomatoes anymore. It sucks. Where am I supposed to get my nutrients?

24. I'm turning 24 soon, and it kind of scares me.

25. I'm God's favorite.

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