Tomorrow is my birthday.
I'm actually not at all excited. Turning 24 is scary, man. I know, I know, all you people older are thinking, "Oh kid, get over it."
But seriously. I am officially in my mid-twenties now. Statistically speaking, one-third of my life is over. And what have I done? Have I made any impact on the world?
None. There's nothing to be my legacy, and I'm terrified that it will always be that way.
I'm an over-achiever. I know stories of brilliant young people who accomplish so much and my need for perfection drives me on. I have spent 24 years on this planet, and have nothing to show for it but a few scars and a lot of heartache.
Maybe this melancholy has something to do with the depression I've been feeling for a couple of months now. I've been sick for quite some time. I've been diagnosed with stress ulcers, migraines, and who knows what else is hiding in my system. I'm at a thankless job where nothing I do ends up right.
I just can't wait to go home and start afresh.
If you think 24 is bad, you're gonna love 25. ;)
and i'll say nothing of 26 - LOVE YOU KATHY!!! can't wait for you to return!
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