Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The clouds cover the mountain.
The cold bites me
under my skin.
The brisk air fills my head
freezes my brain
just for a second.

The clouds, wispy clouds, cover the mountain
like a blanket
tucking in a tired child.
I can't see the top
or where I'm going.

The clouds cover the mountain.
They hush the world.
I am alone
with the cars driving by
with the joggers trotting along
with the dog walkers.

The clouds cover the mountain
and even though I can't see
I know you're out there,
thinking of me.

1 comment:

Jordan Quinley said...

I love when unrhymed verse is punctuated at the finish with a rhyme. Shakespeare does this sometimes, ending a scene with a rhyming couplet, to show that it was important. You're ABBA pattern brought the poem to a snappy finish. Love it.