Thursday, November 05, 2009

A pretty bad poem

I wrote this yesterday during Chapel at the school where I work. I've been trying to fight off the beginnings of depression which seems to want to build a nest in my heart.

Actually, I'm not sure what to do with it. Do I let it come, deal with it, like a wave passing over me? or do I try to fight it off, finally going down screaming, thrashing, exhausted? So here it goes...

Unwelcome Companion
The darkness arrives
It creeps.
It crawls;
sneaks silently.
The heaviness steps in
Wipes its feet
Hangs its hat
Too accustomed.
The ink spot makes
its home in my chest.
Just above the heart-
a hole
an emptiness
eating me from within.
I want to scream
but cold fingers
around my throat.
Hope seems so far away.
A place I'll never see,
An unattainable goal.
I stare into the abyss
That hole
in my soul.
I want to see something
some flicker
some spark
But the abyss
(cursed darkness)
refuses to stare back.
It is nirvana--
the emptiness I hate--
the heavy weight
holding me down
Handcuffing me to my fears
Binding me to the clandestine darkness.

But then... then I did go to chapel. And though it took a while for the principal to get around to the message, when it finally came it was exactly what I needed to hear.
"There is a race set before you, and it is unique. We don't know what the obstacles will be, but we do know that they are tough. But God puts them there for a reason, and He will provide the strength for us to get around or through. Our race, be it with diabetes or cancer or a dead brother or depression, is designed so that our lives bring maximum glory to God."

So, God knows me. God knows what I can handle and what I can't. And he's given me recurrent depression as a thorn in my flesh, so that I am reminded that I can't do anything on my own. All we do is for His glory, for His praise. And HE is the one on whom we depend to make it through those times.

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