Saturday, December 19, 2009

From the movie "Never Been Kissed"

When I finally get kissed, I'll

Anita and Cynthia trade looks.

Okay. If you've never kissed a
guy, we got bigger problems than
the underwear.

I've kissed guys. I've just never
kissed a guy. Felt that thing--

"That thing"? Is that what you
kids are calling it these days?

That thing. That moment. You kiss
someone and it's like the world
around you gets all hazy and the
only thing in focus is you and
this other person and you know
that one person is the person you're
meant to be kissing for the rest
of your life. And for that one
moment you've been given this
amazing gift and you want to laugh
and cry at the same time because
you're so lucky you found it, and
so scared that it will all go away.

Anita and Cynthia take this in.

Damn, girl. You are a writer.

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