Sunday, February 21, 2010

29 Dimensions of Compatibility

1. way of thinking about results: a straightforward practical way of thinking about things or dealing with problems, concerned with results rather than with theories and principles
2. way of evaluating theories: a philosophical view that a theory or concept should be evaluated in terms of how it works and its consequences as the standard for action and thought.

1. belief in perfection: belief in and pursuit of perfection as an attainable goal
2. living by high ideals: aspiring to or living in accordance with high standards or principles

How did a pragmatist like me end up being such an idealist? Seriously, I'm the most practical person you'll ever meet. I'm always trying to figure out if something's going to work. I want to know the application of concepts. I come up with solutions that satisfy as many people involved as possible.

But I also believe in perfection. I believe in love. I believe in fairy tales, huge romantic gestures, deep hurts, and happily ever after.

So how does this work out?

I want practical love. I want compatibility. I want stability.

I want insanity. I want someone to adore me. Someone who will lasso the moon for me.

How did those two violently opposed ideas end up in the same person? And how can I ever hope to be both the practical and the crazy one in a relationship?

I make little sense.

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