Monday, February 01, 2010

It's Time

Every once in a while... maybe once every year or so, I get really convicted about how unreliable I am. About the unconnectedness of my spiritual walk. About my laissez-faire approach to the things of God.

And when that happens,

When I look around and see my friends struggling too,

I think,

It's time.

Time to repost the poem that shook me to my core.

Time to read again the short words that come back to me time and time again.

The words of Wilbur Reese:

"I would like to buy three dollars worth of God, please.
Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep,
but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk
or a snooze in the sunshine.

I don't want enough of him to make me love a black man
or pick beets with a migrant.
I want ecstasy, not transformation.
I want the warmth of the womb not a new birth.

I want about a pound of the eternal in a paper sack.
I'd like to buy three dollars worth of God, please."

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