Today, you chided me for being insecure.
I opened up to you and instead of responding with grace and compassion, you chastened me. You told me to snap out of it. You told me what I already knew: that Christ's love for me should be enough. And when I said I know that, but that it's not enough, you made me feel guilty.
No, really. Thank you for making me feel even worse about something that I already struggle with. Thanks for taking my vulnerability and kicking it like a can along the ground.
And thanks for the advice. When I talked about the ten thousand advertising messages I get every day that tell me I'm not good enough, you said, "Hey, don't pay attention to that."
Wow! I never thought of that before! From now on, I'll never listen to the radio or watch TV or a movie, or look at a magazine or enter a store! That way, I'll be free! I'll drive blindfolded to work so I don't see the ads on the street! And I'll never leave the house!
And when I talked about the inadequacy of the internal whisper of Jesus and His love in contrast to the screaming broadcasts of the world, you said, "So just don't listen to the enemy."
Gosh! I'm shocked that I never thought of that before! Wow, I didn't know that I had a switch like that in my head that I could just flip, and shut out all the negative influences around me! Could you show me where that switch is? I'd like to turn it off now, so I can stop being insecure and be super secure like you!
I'm so excited to learn about my magical ability to stop living in this fallen world! I just have to flip my magic switch, and I'll never be insecure again!
Thank you, Person. I'm thrilled that you can help me so much. I'm glad that you are so full of advice, and you know exactly what to say in every situation.
I'll never struggle with insecurity again, thanks to your sanctified wisdom.
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