Sunday, April 11, 2010

Love Life

I think that at some point in her life, every single woman has to make a very big decision.  This decision is about priorities.  She has to decide what the first priority in her life is going to be.  Is she going to concentrate on finding a husband and preparing herself to start a family, or is she going to pursue her more unromantic passions?

Please understand that I'm not saying you can't have both.  Sure, I know some women who love their careers and who have very happy marriages.  Not many, but there are a few.

No, no, I'm talking about primary pursuit.  And you do have to choose, because how you organize your life will depend on which choice you make.

If you choose a finding a husband, you might place yourself in more areas where suitable men turn up.  You might get more involved there.  You might take certain classes to prepare you for marriage or to keep a home.

If you choose the career path, then maybe you'll pursue a higher degree, or work longer hours toward a promotion.  Maybe you will volunteer more in the field you love.  All this prepares you to get a truly rewarding job that you love.

But if you're truly marriage-minded, chances are that you're already in the mindset that your job is temporary and eventually you'll transition into the greatly rewarding career that is motherhood.

On the other hand, if you're more the career woman, you have trouble imagining where a husband and family would fit in with your dreams in the future.  Sure, it could happen someday, but you're not actively seeking.

My dreams are great.  And I feel a strong pull toward following them.

So, with a bit of a heavy heart, this announcement: I choose the career.

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

I choose the career/dreams as well - but I do hope God disrupts them with a husband. And while I cannot imagine where a husband and children will fit - my previous relationships have taught me that when it is time... space will be created.

God's timing.

I wish I understood!?!

Most of the time, I feel I am trying to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and His will - trying to not be overwhelmed by the desire for a family.

Trusting Him.
It's hard.

But it is the only answer.

So, like you, I choose my career. Advancing, learning, growing...

we are your daughters.
We wait on you.
Use us - our small gifts
for YOUR glory
for YOUR Kingdom.