I'm telling you... Four stories of sheer awe. We went to the Spanish service, which was probably around 300 people strong. It was about 40% black- interesting to say the least. I guess it makes sense, being in the South. Lots of Dominicans and Haitians. Everything was translated into English, so everyone with me understood. There were some people that I just plain didn't understand. I wondered if they were even speaking Spanish (probably some odd dialect). Anyway, it was a LONG service- probably bordering 2 hours. Lovely, though. They kept it moving.
For lunch, we went out to an Indian restaurant. It was buffet- everything from Chickpea Masala to Chicken Curry and cold rice pudding. All of it, delicious. We stuffed ourselves. The girls saved me a seat, but there were no other adults at that table, so I ended up playing Mom to three 10-year-olds and a five-year-old until the boys came over and then I had EIGHT kids to watch. Lucky me. Their parents were around, but I didn't feel like bothering anyone-- they deserved a break, too.
The afternoon picked up. We came back to the residence and hung around for a few minutes (I switched on the game) until a couple of the girls decided to head out to the botanical gardens and shoot some pictures. It was just plain gorgeous. My camera went empty and I didn't have any spare film, so I tugged along my digital cam and shot some snaps but didn't get all that much. I'm going to see how my film comes out. Of course, I haven't used a manual camera in a couple of years, so it might be dodgy.
Evening came, and a trip to (ohmigosh!) SuperTarget (!!) left me astounded. Again, we follow the trend of stores in the South being somewhat like a theme park. Night service, Ice Cream Social, and finally we're back in the residence watching the Dallas/ Carolina game. Dang, it's close. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to bed.
hey, kiddo.
Remember to turn your sarcasmatizer way down - you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.
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