Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dear Auntie Em, Hate You, Hate Kansas, Taking the dog. -Dorothy

I feel like I need a good long cry. But I'm a big girl.

I led prayers this morning. I had it all planned out and on my computer. And then it crashed. I had to wing it. It worked out okay though, and everyone liked it. Now that I really think about it, I really planned and worked hard. But in the end, God still did His thing. He was in charge. He guided my time. It was a blessing.

I'm supposed to be working on my testimony, but I feel stuck. I feel like I've got no story to tell. "Your life, little girl, is an empty page..." Rolf sang to Liesl. That's how I view myself. Sure, I've had nearly 22 years of life. But that's just the binding. The story has yet to be written.

So when someone asks me to share my testimony, I'm not sure how to react. "What's God doing in my life? I don't know! He's still doing it!"

I've been drinking a lot of tea. It has a soothing quality that I like. I've gone completely caffeine free for the last week or so.

My thoughts are very disjointed. I'm not thinking linearly, which makes it nearly impossible to write. Should I quit while I'm ahead? Can I communicate in brief random phrases?

Years ago, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said, "a paleoanthropologist". Now, I'll give you a list of things I want to do, but if you ask me what I want to be, I might just say, "I want to be Kathy."


Thus Saith Bea said...

Thomas Edison held a demonstration early in his work with electricity. As yet, it had not become obvious in which way it would be beneficial. An elderly lady came up to him afterwards and asked, "that was nice, but what is it good for?" Edison replied: "Ma'am, do you ask the mother of an infant about its purpose?"
Love you, mom.

Deanne said...

Be you Kathy Be you! You add so much and I love getting to know you and following the winding trails of our thoughts as we share stories, ideas and observations...

i love the end of your entry... succint and hits home

i think each of us wants to know that is is enough, truley enough to just be ourselves...

What do you do?

"Hi. I am Deanne."

is it enough?

Jordan Quinley said...

This comment will reveal my total failure to absorb the true message of the post, and my distraction by the unimportant. But what I want to say is: The Sound of Music is a favorite of mine.