Saturday, December 26, 2009

Quote from Steelehouse Podcast 70

"At the heart of true, long-term love, like a marriage, there is a core of sadness that plays underneath. And what I mean by that is the longer you love someone, the more, there is regret. Regret that you said some of the things that you said or did some of the things that you did. Or that your true love sees you completely for everything that you are, the good and the bad. And there are those moments where you go 'I wish we could start this all over,' but if you could start it all over, it wouldn't be true love, because true love takes into account all the damage and all the negative, and loves still, even through it...Another prevalent sadness of love, of as you get more accustomed to one another, it's harder to believe the love that the other person has for you, harder to believe that you are lovely, and desirable, and the object of someone's affection, but true love pushes through all that."

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