Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where are they keeping them?

The men, I mean.

The Boundless Webzine (sometimes right and sometimes way off) recently posted an article about the lack of men in colleges. The link to it is here.

The article states that women greatly outnumber men in colleges now, for several reasons, and focuses on the problem that this creates of women becoming to aggressive in competing for these men. In fact, the article quotes a New York Times piece at the end, saying,

Just listen to North Carolina senior Jayne Dallas, who complained that the
population of male students was even smaller when you considered them as
potential dates: "Out of that 40 percent, there are maybe 20 percent that we
would consider, and out of those 20, 10 have girlfriends, so all the girls are
fighting over that other 10 percent," she said.

The Boundless article ends by saying essentially, "See, ladies, there ARE a few worthwhile guys out there."

But the problem here is that the piece itself contradicts one of the Boundless Webzines primary beliefs: that marriage is God's plan for most Christians. Let's do the math here:

If there are 60% women in colleges, and 40% men, that means that 1 woman in 3 won't find a match in college right off the bat, before we even consider the dateability of the guys. Now, in the North Carolina example above, the student cuts the "potential" guys in half, saying that they simply aren't dateable.

Now we have 2 out of 3 women with no dates.

Half of those left have girlfriends, taking them off the list, but also removing 1 girl out of 6 from the running, assuming that those guys are dating girls who also attend college.

So, now we're left with 1 guy in 4 that is actually dateable and available, while we have 5 girls out of 6 to compete for these men. Let's see if I can figure out this math...

That means we have 83% of women in college who are single, looking for a guy, only 25% of whom are dateable. Which STILL figures to more than 3 women competing for the attentions of each man! And that's just in the general population!

Now imagine the dearth of single, dateable men in the church!

I've been to different churches. I've been to Bible studies. I've been to singles events. At all these, there are roughly 57 single women for every 1 single guy. This, quite frankly, makes it nearly impossible for a girl to be "hard to get", considering that a guy can just move on to skinnier, prettier, skankier pastures if he feels even the slightest bit inclined.

It's a woman-eat-woman world out there!

But people keep telling me that there IS someone out there for me. I just have a question: Where are these guys? I mean, if marriage IS God's plan for most Christians, then these guys must be somewhere and I'd like to know where they are. Are they locked up in a room somewhere? Being held hostage? Is there some "Christian Guy Hangout Place" that I'm not being told about?

1 comment:

A-ron said...

I'm personally keeping them captive in my underground cellar, only to better improve my chances.

Hmm, if your figures are right, perhaps I should move to North Carolina. I've heard it's quite nice there, ladies aside.