Saturday, August 22, 2009

I just went to see the movie "Julie & Julia", after which I promptly walked myself to Target and bought around 3 pounds of chocolate.

I love chocolate. I love how smooth it is, and how it melts in your mouth. It's poetry to the taste buds. It makes me feel, no matter where I am, that I'm home. It makes me feel safe and secure. And most of all, it makes me feel like a woman.

There's research that shows most women prefer chocolate to sex. Now I'll readily admit my limited experience, but let me say this: before I'm even thinking about getting married, chocolate already has a bevvy of points on its side and will be my willing companion for many years to come.

Now, about the movie:
Amy Adams was brilliant. She's one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood today, but in "Julie & Julia" she is plain, frumpy, and -- dare I say it? -- normal. She renews my faith in humanity, which was recently lost to new depths while watching "District 9". She is not perfect, she has a normal body, and she acts like a jerk sometimes. But like any human, she realizes her mistakes and does her best to atone for them.

Amy Adams, with her work in "Julie & Julia" made me happy again. I've mentioned before that I'm not particularly pretty or poetic. Amy Adams made me feel like that's okay.

But when I see the love between Eric and Julie, or between Julia and Paul, it makes me sad. Because deep in my heart, I don't believe that this kind of love really exists. I've never seen it in the real world-- I've only seen some kind of cheap knockoff. Some mix of lust and affection and commitment.

But that deep penetrating love that will ruin you forever... too bad it's not real. Because that's all I could be happy with.

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