Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just One Good Man, Thanks.

I can't remember if this is one of those fake memories or something that actually happened, but I have a vague recollection of an older woman at my church coming up to me in the months before I went to Africa, and saying, "All you can ask for, really, is a man who is good."

I was rather offended by this, for a few reasons. First, because she didn't really know me. Second, because I was through with men and was escaping to Africa to get away from them. And third, because I was in the fairy tale stage, when I was convinced that somewhere out there was a knight in shining armor just waiting to come rescue me.

Rescue me from what? I don't know, but I sure created enough drama in my life to need rescuing.

But it didn't happen then. God worked on me. He adjusted my perspective. He told me what it is I need. I kind of understand that old woman's sentiment now. A good man. But what does this mean? Someone who doesn't beat you?

This isn't what makes a man good.

What makes him good is his commitment to God-- his conviction of the goodness of his Savior.

If you had asked me three or four years ago what I liked about a certain friend of mine, I would have said, "He loves God, he's an intelligent free thinker, and he knows what he believes and isn't afraid to say so."

Today, God has brought this friend to a much closer level with me. I know him better now. And I can surely say that he is a good man.

When a woman at my church asked him how much he loved Jesus, he simply replied, "A lot." I'm not sure what she wanted to hear, but hearing him say it made me smile. He really does love Jesus and is committed to following Him at all costs.

That phrase "at all costs" scares me because I know what it could mean. I know that sometimes God asks us to give up people that are important to us because He has a different plan. I've struggled with this, but I've reached a point where I can truly pray Thy will be done in this relationship. Because after years of heartache from trying to figure things out on my own, I can finally say that I've reached a point where I trust God enough to let Him guide my steps.

I am excited to see what God has planned for us. I'm excited to grow closer together in our pursuit of God's will. And I count myself blessed indeed to have him, my knight in shining armor, in my life.

This Thanksgiving, I might be more thankful than I've ever been in my life.

-I'm thankful for Godly parents who offer me wise counsel when I need it and support my decisions.

-I'm thankful for close friends who stick with me even though I screw up and hurt them sometimes.

-I'm thankful for a job that I love and a boss I deeply respect.

-I'm thankful for a warm bed to sleep in and food to eat.

And this year, I'm especially thankful to have in my life a man who, through his commitment to Jesus, leads with a meek and Godly example to the end that my greatest desire is to know Jesus better.

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